Best Abs Exercises For Women - How to Get a Flat, Toned Stomach That Looks Feminine!

Here are the best abs exercises for women who want a nice feminine abdomen that is flat and toned and not bulky. You can do these exercise at home in just minutes a day. Results come quick... in 10-12 days usually.

Abs Exercises For Women

1. Ab wheel

That crazy device from the 90's actually works. Rolling back and forth with it creates a nice tension in your abdominal muscles. And... women don't have to worry about getting disgusting looking 6-pack abs. Sure they look nice on men, but not on women. Toned and flat... that's all women need for their abs.

Instead of giving you complex parameters, just use it for a total of 5 minutes a day. Don't worry if you can't do 5 minutes all at once, just worry about getting the total of 5 minutes each day.

2. Vacuum pose

This is an isometric exercise. It creates a different tension in the abdominal muscles. Again, this doesn't create bulky 6-pack abs, it just flattens and tones down the stomach area. What you do... suck in the lower abs (the part around your belly button... for best results) and hold the tension of the "sucking in" for as long as possible. Do it at least 10 seconds each time.

You don't need to hold your breath while doing this, but don't breathe normally either. Just let out little breaths while maintaining tension. If you did this for a total of 5 minutes each day, I can just about guarantee you that your waist will be almost 2 inches slimmer in 4 weeks or less. I have hundreds of clients who've gotten those results. It's common.

If you use just these 2 abs exercises for women, you will see some dramatic results in 10-12 days.

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Jennifer Jolan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan