Best Fat Burning Plan - 3 Secrets to Melting Stubborn Belly Fat

If you're like 95% of dieters out there, as statistics have shown, that have started a diet plan only to get frustrated and quit after a week, this article is for you.

The reason most diets fail is because...well...they are "diets" Being on a diet implies you will get on some restricted calorie plan for a specific time interval, and stop when you reach your goal.

The truth is you may never reach your fat loss goals because restricted calorie plans are horrible on your metabolism, typically leaving you tired and mentally drained. Most quit.

Plus, you will gain fat on restricted calorie diets because your body will think it's in starvation mode and hang on to every fat cell it can.

There is a better fat burning plan however and you will win the war against fat if you follow these 3 concepts. And You dont need to suffer or be miserable in the process.

First, you need to control blood sugar not count calories if you want to get rid of fat for the long haul.

Keeping your blood sugar stable and in the fat burn zone ensures your appetite will be under control and your body will burn fat cells for energy.

Second, you'll need to eliminate all table sugar from your diet. Eating sugar will skyrocket your blood glucose levels, which causes your body to store fat.

Third, eating a diet high in protein, complex carbs and good fats is critical. Eating from these food groups will keep your appetite under control plus you will burn fat round the clock

I've purposely simplified these steps because they are the core of the best fat burning plan, but why not learn more?

The free video at the bottom of the page will show you in detail step by step how you can put this plan into action specifically tailored to your metabolic profile.

Why do 95% of all diets fail? Don't fall into the "diet trap", instead, click here, and get your shape back FAST by learning how to actually control your bodies natural fat burning potential.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alyssa_Collins