In order for you to get a flat stomach you have got to cater your workouts to be effective! You see this is a good thing though because you don't have to spend more time working out. As a matter of fact, you should do the best you can at getting as much done in your workouts in the shortest amount of time possible. You are going to yield much more profound results by engaging in shorter more effective workouts than by allowing them to drag out unproductively over the course of an hour and a half to two hours.
Exercises To Get Your Stomach Flat Fast!
1. Walk Out Push Ups: In order to eliminate your stomach fat you have got to go beyond doing crunches in order to flatten your stomach. You see the key to getting rid of belly fat is raising your metabolism. This is done best through exercises that will significantly raise your level of perceived exertion. In other words you should be sweating, breathing, and red faced rather quickly in the proper exercise format.
One drill that is great for doing this is the walk out push up. As you know handling your body weight can be very challenging. This is why the walk out push up is so effective. In order to pull this off you will want to start out by standing with your feet at about shoulder width distance apart in length. From here you are simply going to crouch down in order to place your hands on the ground in front of you. Next, walk out on your hands extending your body into an upright push up position. Once you have gotten yourself extended then simply perform a push up. Once the push up is completed simply walk back on your hands returning to the crouched position in order to get yourself into position to stand back up. All of this is a single rep. Your flat stomach is on its way!
2. The Kettlebell Clean/ Walk Out Push Up Combo: For this drill you are simply going to incorporate the pulling lift of the kettlebell clean between each walk out push up repetition. This allows you to double the work effort by including both pull and push oriented movements into the gut busting workout.
To execute this drill get yourself into the position to perform the walk out push up. Stand with your feet ready at shoulder width distance apart. From here simply place the kettlebell between your feet. Next, reach down and clean the bell from the floor to your chest to rack it into position. As soon as you have racked it then simply return it to the ground between your feet and while in the crouched position perform your walk out push up as I described above. You can execute all of your reps at once on one side before doing the other with this drill, or you can alternate from right to left. This sure beats the hell out of doing sit ups!
If you haven't already started to implement these 2 gut busting stomach flattening drills into your arsenal of lifts and exercises then you are missing out. Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!
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